Plain language is a civil right
Access to information is essential for us to participate in society and lead healthy lives. Plain language helps us access that information, understand it, and use it to exercise our …
Access to information is essential for us to participate in society and lead healthy lives. Plain language helps us access that information, understand it, and use it to exercise our …
In reality, a “native English speaker” means people who are from a Western English-speaking country. The term is used to exclude anyone who doesn’t fit into that group, no matter …
Using plain language means writing in a way that your intended audiences can immediately find, understand, and use your messages and information. It’s not about “dumbing down” your message but …
Plain language isn’t just about the words; design makes it easier for readers to find, understand, and use the information in the document. Fortunately, you don’t need to be a …
Some things about writing better are hard, but others are quite simple—like being consistent.
Understanding the big picture — before you start writing — will help you write better. When you know who and what the document is for, you can put the right pieces in the right place.
I am going to say “multi-language author” instead of “non-native English speaker” from now on.
Academic writers are often told to ‘write succinctly’…but what makes your writing succinct? Use short, concise words, and short sentences, that’s what!
Drafts of your manuscripts are bound to have clutter that obscures what you want to get across. That’s perfectly normal. But what exactly is “clutter” and how can you get rid of it?
“Plain language” is language that your audience can understand easily and conveys your message clearly. Plain language principles are useful for all professional writing, even academic writing.