Plain language vs. Easy English
Plain language’s aim is to ensure that people can access (understand and use) the information they need to lead better lives. But there’s also Easy English. The two share core …
Plain language’s aim is to ensure that people can access (understand and use) the information they need to lead better lives. But there’s also Easy English. The two share core …
Alt text is a substitute for images. It should describe the most relevant info in the image. But when is skin tone, race, and ethnicity “relevant”? Alternative text (alt text) …
In a brief 15 minutes, Sarah Black and I dip into plain language and its role in supporting accessible communication across cultures, in a new podcast A Quick Dip.
UN writing isn’t very clear. But clear writing can promote human rights, level power imbalances, and boost transparency and accountability. UN writing doesn’t have a great reputation for clarity. While …
Want to get more people in your organization to use plain language and inclusive language and follow accessibility practices? Word templates may be your friend. I used to think Word …
There are a ton of great online resources on accessibility. Here are some that I’ve found useful. I’m an accessibility ally—someone who is not an expert on accessibility but who …
Making your text more readable will help you reach more people. And there are simple principles that even non-designers can use. Readability isn’t about making things look pretty. It’s about …
We’re advised to tailor our writing to our audiences. But what if our intended audience is very diverse? What can we do to write as clearly as possible?
Yikes, I was interviewed on the Tandem Nomads podcast! We talked about how to write effective and inclusive content.
Access to information is essential for us to participate in society and lead healthy lives. Plain language helps us access that information, understand it, and use it to exercise our …