Category: Work samples

RESOURCE: One-pager quick tips on writing clearly
A one-pager of quick tips for writing clearly! Sometimes, it's hard to remember all the little things that help make your writing clearer. Here's a one-pager to help you remember ...

Attempts of a non-designer to visually present information so it’s clear
I used to think that tinkering with figures and tables was an indulgence—I did it for fun if I had time. But now I know that visual presentation matters and ...

Website editing job goes online
An exciting day for me today: The launch of a revamped website for BAMBI that I edited, among other things ...

What’s in a line edit or a copyedit?
Line and copyediting are where you can get the most use out of me :) Different editors may define each differently but here's what you can expect if you work ...

June & July updates at The Clarity Editor
Time for a Clarity Editor round-up! June and July were nice and busy with some exciting new projects. It was also a bit tough healthwise, once again highlighting how, for ...

The magazine I edited
I was editor-in-chief of BAMBI News magazine, a monthly 60-page glossy, sent out to the members of the non-profit support group for mainly expat parents in Bangkok and Pattaya ...