Website editing job goes online

Website editing job goes online

An exciting day for me today: The launch of a revamped website for BAMBI that I edited, among other things.

After 2 long years of development, BAMBI finally launched its revamped website!

My first occasion of happiness was when I got the green light to oversee that the entire site’s text was updated.

Ah the opportunity to scratch that itch for completeness and consistency…! To my heart’s content! Editor bliss 🙂

UPDATE (14 January 2023): The blog may look different from when I was involved with it and may no longer reflect my work.

What I got to do 🙂

The actual launch was, of course, my second occasion of happiness.

Apart from editing text, here’s the other stuff I got to do:

  • Coordinated updating of all text by the respective BAMBI coordinators.
  • Edited all text for consistency in format, tone, content.
  • Added missing content.
  • Suggested how to organize the site’s pages and information.
  • Decided the look and functionality of the magazine (i.e., blog) section.
  • Uploaded content.
  • Tinkered with the code. I’m not a programmer. But I can decipher enough of shortcode to make small changes and to identify what needs problem-solving with the programmer.
  • Developed (and will conduct) training for the magazine team on uploading articles.

…And I knew when to stop.

Because it’s always possible to find more small points that could be fixed.

With pages being uploaded and tweaked by several team members, there are still some inconsistencies that I’d love to fix.

But addressing those should not delay the main goal, which is to actually launch the new site.

Hats off to my team members who slaved and slugged through many challenges to get to this stage. And my thanks to them for their patience with my detailed requests/suggestions 😀

I am so proud to have contributed to this launch.

(Not that the work stops yet!)

Need assistance with or want to simply outsource the organization and content of your website? Send me a request via the contact form or email me at

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