3 tips to write succinctly

3 tips to write succinctly

Academic writers are often told to “write succinctly”…but what makes your writing succinct? Use short, concise words, and short sentences.

I was looking for writing resources online that would be helpful for English academic writers and found Columbia University biology department’s guide on “Writing a Scientific Research Article.”

In order to write succinctly, Columbia’s page suggests five things:

  1. Use verbs instead of nouns
  2. Use strong verbs instead of “to be”
  3. Use short words
  4. Use concise terms
  5. Use short sentences

I’ve talked about the verbs (points nos. 1 & 2) in “3 ways to cut the clutter from your writing.” In this post, I’ll talk briefly why you should use short, concise words and short sentences (nos. 3-5) and what specifically to look out for.

Why use short, concise terms & short sentences?

As a reminder: why should you use short, concise terms and short sentences?

Think about why you’re writing in the first place. It’s to share your ideas so that your readers “get” what you’re saying.

Difficult words—including most jargon—and long sentences force the reader to work hard. And that will make them less interested in what you have to say.

TIP Using clear and simple language will also help you establish your credibility.

That’s why you need to be clear and understandable: so that your readers can follow you, without frustration.

If you’re worried that you’re “dumbing down” your content, aim to have your papers “understandable to an educated audience,” as a former editor in chief of the American Journal of Epidemiology reportedly said.1

3 things to look out for

So let’s look at the specifics of using short, concise words and short sentences.

☑ Use short words

If you have a choice, use the shorter, more direct word rather than longer, harder (supposedly “academic”) words.

Short words can be understood quickly. Using them will help your readers immediately understand your sentence, rather than using extra energy to process your words.

Here are examples of short words to use instead of their multisyllabic relatives:

Instead of: Write:
Source: Columbia University biology department, Writing a Scientific Research Article

▶ What you can do

  • Check the list above and also Plain English’s A-Z of alternative words.
  • Don’t worry about it when you’re writing your draft
  • When you’re in the editing stage, look for the words on these lists (underline/highlight them) and replace them with the shorter word.
  • If you know you tend to use certain long words, keep those words in a list. Make it a habit to find and replace them when you’re editing your work.

☑ Use concise words

The same is true for choosing concise words instead of long phrases.

The following are some phrases that you could replace with simpler, shorter words.

 Instead of: Write:
prior tobefore
due to the fact thatbecause
in a considerable number of casesoften
the vast majority ofmost
during the time thatwhen
in close proximity tonear
Source: Columbia University biology department, Writing a Scientific Research Article

(BTW: there’s a great quote by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., on Columbia’s page about using a short word whenever possible. Do look for it!)

▶ What you can do

  • Again, check the resources at the end of this post for more of these words/phrases. Keep note of which ones you tend to use; make a list of them for easy reference.
  • Don’t worry about this when you’re writing your draft.
  • When you’re in the editing stage, look for the wordy phrases (underline/highlight them) and replace.

☑ Use short sentences

The Columbia guide says: “A sentence made of more than 40 words should probably be rewritten as two sentences.”

Plain language proponents suggest that sentences should be no more than 15 to 20 words long.2

For the writer, you’re more likely to get lost and make mistakes if you try to write long, complex sentences. Keep it simple for yourself and stick to short sentences.3

For the reader, it’s easier to process short sentences that are to the point than long, complicated, meandering ones.

▶ What you can do

  • Stick to one idea per sentence when writing
  • When editing, find the long sentences (highlight/underline them) and try cutting them into smaller pieces. Make use of bullet points/lists, if appropriate
  • Look for wordier phrases (like the ones listed above) and replace with concise words
  • Use the active voice. It’s more direct and can help cut down wordiness

The active voice can often help shorten sentences:

  • Passive: The questions of the researchers were answered in a special session with Albert Einstein.
  • Active: Albert Einstein answered the researchers’ questions in a special session.

(Adapted from example in “Plain Writing Tips – Passive Voice and Zombies,” Open Government at the National Archives.)

Note that who answered the questions is also unclear in the passive sentence—it could’ve been anyone. (The passive voice isn’t wrong, but be careful how you use it. For example, passive voice could help you emphasize what was done rather than who did it.)

One final reminder: don’t let these points slow you down when you’re writing your draft—well, except for the tip to write short sentences. Go back to them when you’re in the editing stage.


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Image by 15299 from Pixabay


  1. Words of the late Dr. George Comstock, as quoted by Dr. Gary Friedman, editor of the same journal, in the course “Writing in the Sciences,” taught by Dr. Kristin Sainani, Stanford University via Coursera.
  2. See “How to write plain English,” Plain English Campaign.
  3. That’s not to say that all sentences MUST be short. Just be aware that “long” does not mean “better”—don’t try to write long sentences because you think they sound more sophisticated or academic.


  1. Pingback: Plain language vs. Easy English | The Clarity Editor

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