Plain language vs. Easy English
Plain language’s aim is to ensure that people can access (understand and use) the information they need to lead better lives. But there’s also Easy English. The two share core …
Plain language’s aim is to ensure that people can access (understand and use) the information they need to lead better lives. But there’s also Easy English. The two share core …
Most of us have heard that jargon is terrible. Is it really so terrible? And is there any way to use jargon well? For those of you who just want …
Here’s an easy tip to help you write more clearly: if you can, rephrase negatives into positives. This is especially useful when you’re writing instructions and test or survey questions. …
In a brief 15 minutes, Sarah Black and I dip into plain language and its role in supporting accessible communication across cultures, in a new podcast A Quick Dip.
In diverse settings, we can’t rely on “common sense” to communicate. That’s why we need plain language: to make the unspokens explicit. In 2022, I went to Tokyo to attend …
Making your text more readable will help you reach more people. And there are simple principles that even non-designers can use. Readability isn’t about making things look pretty. It’s about …
Looking up phrasal verbs in a dictionary is a pain. That’s why you may want to reconsider using them if you’re writing for non-fluent English speakers. Plain language guidelines suggest …
Do you use contractions (like “it’s” and “don’t”) in your writing? I do! But some kinds of contractions may be easier than others for readers to follow. Do you use …
We’re advised to tailor our writing to our audiences. But what if our intended audience is very diverse? What can we do to write as clearly as possible?
Yikes, I was interviewed on the Tandem Nomads podcast! We talked about how to write effective and inclusive content.